Election Contest
Lady Roll Out
hosted by Danny Pocket
and scoring by
Audrey DeLuxe
from VLV Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend
Patrocinador exclusivo
13 Lágrimas
Sponsor Gift
La Cigua
Elección Lady Roll Out
"Es la Actitud, no la apariencia"
Participa en Lady Roll Out y conviértete en embajadora Roll Out
Vas a asistir a Roll Out ? Quieres participar en poder ser elegida Lady Roll Out ?
Rellena el formulario y listo ! Nos pondremos en contacto contigo.
Premios - Regalos - Prizes
Lady Roll Out:
Tiara, Banda y Certificado Roll Out
Camiseta Roll Out y camiseta 13 Lágrimas
Cheque Regalo 100€ en tienda/stand 13 Lágrimas Clothing
100€ cash
2 Fullpass para Roll Out 2026
Regalo cortesía de La Cigua Retro R'n'R Clothes
Todas las candidatas participantes :
cheque descuento 50% en tienda 13 Lágrimas
Regalo cortesía de La Cigua R'nR Clothes
Camiseta Roll Out
Sesión Photoshoot cortesía de Luis F. Lorenzo Fotografía Profesional
Exclusive Sponsor
13 Lágrimas
Sponsor Gift
La Cigua
Lady Roll Out Election
"It's the Attitude, not the appearance"
Participate in Lady Roll Out and become a "Roll Out Ambassador"
Are you going to attend a Roll Out? Do you want to participate in being elect Lady Roll Out?
Fill out the form and that's it! We will contact you.
Prizes - Gifts:
Lady Roll Out
Tiara, Band and Certificate Roll Out
T-shirt Roll Out & T-shirt 13 Lágrimas
100€ Voucher gift in store/stand 13 Lágrimas Clothing
€100 cash
2 Fullpass for 2026 Roll Out
La Cigua Retro R'nR Clothes Gift
All Candidates Participants:
voucher 50% off 13 Lágrimas shop !
La Cigua Retro R'n'R Clothes Gift
Roll Out T-shirt
Photoshoot session with Luis F. Lorenzo